Journal of Population Economics Issue 4 of the anniversary volume 30 is now available online.
We celebrate three decades of dedication in publishing outstanding theoretical and insightful applied research in all areas of population economics.
Exploit the Free Download of the lead article:
The effect of child maltreatment on illegal and problematic behaviour: new evidence on the ‘cycle of violence’ using twins data
by Violeta Misheva, Dinand Webbink & Nicholas G. Martin, J Popul Econ (2017), 30(4), pp 1035–1067.
Furthermore, Issue 4 contains the following articles:
The impact of high-stakes school admission exams on study achievements: quasi-experimental evidence from Slovakia
by Miroslava Federičová, Daniel Münich, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1069-1092.
Gender gaps in early educational achievement
by Deborah A. Cobb-Clark, Julie Moschion, J Popul Econ (2017), 30(4), pp 1093-1134.
Fertility effects of child benefits
by Regina T. Riphahn, Frederik Wiynck, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1135-1184.
Family policy and maternal employment in the Czech transition: a natural experiment
by Alzbeta Mullerova, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1185-1210.
A cohort perspective of the effect of unemployment on fertility
by Héctor Pifarré i Arolas, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1211-1239.
Intergenerational mobility in Sweden: a regional perspective
by Stefanie Heidrich, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1241-1280.
Health responses to a wealth shock: evidence from a Swedish tax reform
by Oscar Erixson, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1281-1336.
Ability drain: size, impact, and comparison with brain drain under alternative immigration policies
by Maurice Schiff , J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1337-1354.
Sibling rivalry and gender gap: intrahousehold substitution of male and female educational investments from male migration prospects
by Slesh A. Shrestha, Nethra Palaniswamy, J Popul Econ (2017), 30 (4), pp 1355-1380.
Acknowledgement to editorial collaborators, pp 1381-1384.