The latest issue of the Journal of Population Economics has been published. The latest issue, found here, features ten articles on migration and integration, ageing, and the environment.
The lead article, Education, Religion, and Voter Preference in a Muslim Country by can be downloaded for free.
The latest issue also features the following articles:
- Terrorism and the integration of Muslim immigrants by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 45-67.
- Immigration and internal mobility in Canada by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 69-106.
- Racial diversity, immigrants and the well-being of residents: evidence from US counties by Masanori Kuroki J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 107-133.
- Population age structure and consumption growth: evidence from National Transfer Accounts by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 135-153.
- The heterogeneous impact of pension income on elderly living arrangements: evidence from China’s new rural pension scheme by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 155-192.
- The effects of increasing the normal retirement age on health care utilization and mortality J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 193-234.
- Run away? Air pollution and emigration interests in China by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 235-266.
- The effect of natural disaster on fertility, birth spacing, and child sex ratio: evidence from a major earthquake in India by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 267-293.
- Optimal population and exhaustible resource constraints by J Popul Econ (2018), 31 (1), pp 295-335.