The Journal of Population Ecomomics has already published 3 issues in 2022. All issues are available via the Springer Journal of Population Ecomomics website. The issues feature a number of open-access articles, including contributions related to a wide range of population issues.
For example, issue 35(2) includes contributions related to how the earnings growth of US immigrants was underestimated, how population ageing and longevity affects labour demand and life satisfaction, and how vocational education affects youth unemployment and lifetime wage gaps.
Issue 35(3) provides insight into policy choices related to COVID-19 and school (re)openings, family policies and their implications for mothers’ labour force participation, and immigrant childrens’ acquisition of language competencies and education in the country of residence.
Enjoy the diversity of articles in issues 2 and 3, and look out for issue 35(4), which should be published in October.