Journal of Population Economics Issue 2 of the anniversary volume 30 is now available online.
We celebrate three decades of dedication in publishing outstanding theoretical and insightful applied research in all areas of population economics.
Exploit the Free Download of the lead article:
Demographic dynamics and long-run development: insights for the secular stagnation debate
by Matteo Cervellati, Uwe Sund and Klaus F. Zimmermann, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 401–432.
Furthermore, Issue 2 contains the following articles:
The impact of extreme weather events on education
by Valeria Groppo and Kati Kraehnert, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 433–472.
Do anti-bullying laws work? New evidence on school safety and youth violence
by Joseph J. Sabia and Brittany Bass, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 473–502.
The impact of school entry laws on female education and teenage fertility
by Poh Lin Tan, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 503–536.
A normative justification of compulsory education
by Alessandro Balestrino, Lisa Grazzini and Annalisa Luporini, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 537–567.
Sibling gender composition’s effect on education: evidence from China
by Xiaoyan Lei, Yan Shen, James P. Smith and Guangsu Zhou, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 569–590.
Cognitive skills, non-cognitive skills, and family background: evidence from sibling correlations
by Silke Anger and Daniel D. Schnitzlein, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 591–620.
Optimal fertility under age-dependent labour productivity
by Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 621–646.
Discount rate heterogeneity among older households: a puzzle?
by Antoine Bozio, Guy Laroque and Cormac O’Dea, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 647–680.
Inter-firm mobility and return migration patterns of skilled guest workers
by Briggs Depew, Peter Norlander and Todd A. Sørensen, J Popul Econ (2017) 30(2): 681-721.
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