Abortion issues are again on the agenda in many societies around the globe. Academic research can inform the public debate. The Journal of Population Economics (JOPE) has recently published several articles that can inform the ongoing abortion debate, which will be discussed in two workshops, one on 31 May and the other on 1 June . The events are open to the general public. If you’re interested in attending, please register via the links for each session given below. JOPE Editor-in-Chief Klaus F. Zimmermann (GLO, UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) will open the events, and Managing Editors Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University) and Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida) will chair the sessions.
1. JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues I
Tuesday May 31; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Michaella Vanore (UNU-MERIT & Maastricht University)
- Anisha Sharma (Ashoka University, India): Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women
- Federico H. Gutierrez (Vanderbilt University, USA): The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban
! Prior registration required:
- You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: May 31, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna - Register in advance for this meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrcO6gqDwjG9QAOoto5xNUlQ89w5-mCm3k - After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Free access to the papers see below.
2. JOPE Research Workshop on Abortion Issues II
Wednesday June 1; 4-5 pm CEST (Berlin time) Chair: Madeline Zavodny (University of North Florida)
- Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA): Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020
- Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA): The Impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws on Abortions and Births
! Prior registration required:
- You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jun 1, 2022 04:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna - Register in advance for this meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkcu2sqzovGtCQgVA49Nsu8cI4pcXn-8ac - After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Free access to the papers see below.
Forthcoming articles
In print in the Journal of Population Economics (JOPE):
GLO Fellow Grace Arnold (Portland State University, USA)
The Impact of Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers Laws on Abortions and Births
GLO Discussion Paper No. 1093, 2022
Author Abstract: This paper analyzes the impact of supply-side abortion restrictions on aggregate abortion and birth rates in the United States. Specifically, I exploit state and time variation in the implementation of the first targeted regulation of abortion provider (TRAP) law in a state to identify the effects of the laws. I find that TRAP laws are associated with a reduction in the abortion rate of approximately 5% the year the first law is implemented, and an average reduction of 11-14% in subsequent years. There is also evidence that TRAP laws increased birth rates by 2-3%, which accounts for approximately 80-100% of the observed decline in abortion rates.
GLO Fellow Caitlin Knowles Myers (Middlebury College, USA)
Confidential and legal access to abortion and contraception in the United States, 1960-2020 – Download PDF
GLO Discussion Paper No. 1073, 2022
Author Abstract: An expansive empirical literature estimates the causal effects of policies governing young women’s confidential and legal access to contraception and abortion. I present a new review of changes in the historical policy environment in the United States that serve as the foundation of this work. I consult primary sources including annotated statutes, judicial rulings, attorney general opinions, and advisory articles in medical journals, as well as secondary sources including newspaper articles and snapshots of various policy environments prepared by scholars, advocates, and government organizations. Based on this review, I provide a suggested coding of the policy environment over the past 60 years. I also present and compare the legal coding schemes used in the empirical literature and where possible I resolve numerous and substantial discrepancies.
Access to more published JOPE research on abortion issues:
- Mexico:
The unintended effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and stay-at-home orders on abortions
Fernanda Marquez-Padilla & Biani Saavedra
Journal of Population Economics 35, pages 269–305 (2022)
Free access & free to read: https://rdcu.be/cM1dV - Romania:
The inter-generational fertility effect of an abortion ban
Federico H. Gutierrez
Journal of Population Economics 35, pages 307–348 (2022)
Free to read: https://rdcu.be/cM1dD - India:
Unwanted daughters: the unintended consequences of a ban on sex-selective abortions on the educational attainment of women
Garima Rastogi & Anisha Sharma
Journal of Population Economics ONLINE FIRST (2022)
Papal visits and abortions: evidence from Italy
Egidio Farina & Vikram Pathania
Journal of Population Economics 33, pages 795–837 (2020)
The unintended: negative outcomes over the life cycle
Wanchuan Lin & Juan Pantano
Journal of Population Economics 28, pages 479–508 (2015)
Free to read: https://rdcu.be/cM1ja